Preparing for Surgery & Procedure
Preparing for your Procedure
Depending on the type of procedure your instructions will vary and will be provided to you at the visit prior to your intervention.
If you are on blood thinners, please notify your physician, as this may need to be held (depending on the procedure). Please clarify if your blood thinners need to be stopped prior to the procedure with your Physician.
If you are receiving sedation, you will need to stop eating or drinking at least 8 hours prior to your scheduled time. You may take a small sip of water with your medications in the morning prior to your procedure. You will need an adult driver with you at the time of check-in for the date and time of your procedure. If you are receiving sedation this will be discussed prior to your visit.
If you are taking pain medications, take them as directed. Medication refills are performed during your follow-up visit, and generally not on procedural days.
If you have further questions, or concerns, or need to change your scheduled date please do not hesitate to call the office: .
We look forward to your visit!